N.php 122

Type Line Description
308 string('3.1415926535898')
340 int(3)
373 float
390 double
408 '2'
409 '2'
432 '1'
433 '1'
454 2
455 2 using alias
484 0
485 0 using alias
539 true
540 false
577 true
578 true
579 false
617 true
618 false
655 true
656 true
657 false
688 false
691 false
694 true
714 true
736 false
739 true
742 false
762 '7'
764 '7'
766 '0'
800 '-7'
801 '7'
803 '7'
805 '0'
824 '0.5'
849 '1';
850 '0'
900 true
902 false
966 '9'
967 '27'
1012 '16'
1032 '8'
1073 '2'
1074 '8'
1105 '3'
1106 '3'
1111 true
1135 '2'
1140 true
1161 1
1162 2
1163 6
1164 24
1165 120
1166 720
1217 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number).
1225 '10'
1258 '1'
1261 '-1'
1264 '0'
1288 true
1289 true
1290 true
1291 true
1321 true
1322 true
1323 true
1324 true
1428 '0.14'
1455 true
1457 false
1459 raises eception
1489 true
1491 false
1493 raises eception
1513 true
1514 true
1657 'mcmlxxix'
1753 'σξθ'
1844 '१२३४५६७८९'
1846 '१२,३४,५६,७८९'
1884 u', $str_last, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY
1908 '١٩٧٩'
1960 '一千二百三十四'
1961 '一千二百三十四'
1962 '一千二百三十四'
1964 '二百零八'
1965 '二百零八'
1966 '二百零八'
1967 '二百零八'
1968 '二百〇八'
1969 '二百〇八'
1970 '二百〇八'
1971 '二百〇八'
1985 n myriads, so indexed using that.
2001 split into reversed myriads
2007 reordering all
2016 ok, we have our divisions, so, let's do it into chinese!
2128 '7d1'
2133 '-7d1'
2167 '3721'
2172 '-3721'
2208 '11111010001'
2213 '-11111010001'
2247 '7d1'
2248 '7d1'
2270 '3721'
2271 '3721'
2293 '11111010001'
2294 '11111010001'
2316 '11111010001'
2322 '-11111010001'
2385 array(false, true, false, true, false, true, false)
TODO 1528 for futur release, allow more complex test using `or`, `and`, `xor`, code to use in place of number…
TODO 1763 add myriad to have more number after 9999.
TODO 1852 what about decimal?
TODO 2104 to implement
TODO 2114 to implement

S.php 185

Type Line Description
38 true
39 false
47 true
48 true
51 false
52 false
55 false
56 false
117 using count() function
120 using objects
143 '952d2c56d0485958336747bcdd98590d'
144 '69342c5c39e5ae5f0077aecc32c0f81811fb8193'
157 'z'
158 or
160 or
167 collection of characters a, z, e, r, t, and y
190 '1940, 06, 18, 20, 00, 00'
191 or
193 or
199 'ab,cd,ef,gh,ij,kl,mn,op,qr,st,uv,wx,yz'
207 'zer'
218 or
231 print 'Hello World!'
232 or
234 or
236 or
253 print "Something\n"
254 print "Something\r"
255 print "Something\r\n"
256 print "Something\r\n"
257 print "Something\n" if PHP_EOL is '\n'
263 print "Something\n"
264 print "Something\n"
265 print "\nSomething"
266 print "Something\r"
267 print "Something\r"
268 print "\rSomething"
277 print 'Ceci est une chaîne'
305 or
309 or
311 or
313 or
321 'aty'
322 or
323 'aty'
324 or
325 'aty'
326 or
327 'aty'
338 true
339 or
340 true
341 or
342 true
347 true
366 casts to \Malenki\Bah\C possible
367 casts to \Malenki\Bah\N not possible: exception
370 casts to \Malenki\Bah\C not possible: exception
371 casts to \Malenki\Bah\N not possible: exception
374 casts to \Malenki\Bah\C possible
375 casts to \Malenki\Bah\N possible
378 casts to \Malenki\Bah\C not possible: exception
379 casts to \Malenki\Bah\N possible
401 do something with it…
410 do what you want with it…
546 S object 'azerty'
547 or
548 S object 'azerty'
562 beware of H case
991 type 'int'
996 3
1043 3.14
1073 3.14
1217 'C’est ecrit en francais !'
1221 php.net/manual/en/intro.intl.php) on the PHP
1268 'je-suis-ecrit-en-francais'
1296 'aZErTy'
1391 azerty
1392 azerrtyy
1393 azerrtyy
1394 azerrtyy
1446 'azerty'
1451 'azerty'
1452 'azerty'
1453 'azerty'
1619 'Tagada tsointsoin'
1650 'Tagada tsointsoin !'
1685 '(foo)'
1712 'abcdefghi'
1786 'je_suis_écrit_en_français'
1787 'je_suis_écrit_en_français'
1831 'je-suis-écrit-en-français'
1867 'helloWorld'
1868 'HelloWorld'
1874 'écritEnFrançais'
1875 'ecritEnFrancais'
1975 'a'
1976 'zer'
2029 Collection having 7 and 12 as \Malenki\Bah\N
2093 'This will loose some parts…'
2203 print 'a'
2208 first \Malenki\Bah\C
2209 or
2210 casting \Malenki\Bah\S to \Malenki\Bah\C
2226 print 'y'
2231 last \Malenki\Bah\C
2232 or
2233 casting \Malenki\Bah\S to \Malenki\Bah\C
2282 true
2335 true
2361 note the apos after this example…
2362 'C'est Du Français !'
2363 'C'Est Du Français !'
2395 beware of H case
2399 ui', $sep->string);
2401 ui', $sep);
2534 print unicode value of the char 'a'
2610 false
2613 true
2656 'Hello! Hello! Hello!'
2657 '' (empty string)
2741 Thanks to: http://www.php.net/manual/fr/function.wordwrap.php#104811
2802 long text
3301 'This', 'is', 'a', 'string', 'to' and ' split'
3379 'a,z,e,r,t,y'
3418 '!z!rt!'
3495 'I will have some data to show.'
3496 or
3498 or A or H object too
3499 'I will have some data to show.'
3505 'I am pi: 3.142'
3520 beware of H case
3545 beware of H case
3570 beware of H case
3585 aberty
3630 true
3631 true
3632 true
3633 true
3666 true
3667 true
3668 true
3669 true
3702 true
3703 true
3704 true
3705 true
3706 true
3707 true
3735 ' This is a string having tabulations'
3760 ui', $this->value);
3798 'I have some tags'
3799 'I have <em>some</em> tags'
3800 'I have <em>some</em> tags'
3801 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3802 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3803 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3804 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3805 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3806 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3807 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3811 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3816 'I have some <strong>tags</strong>'
3817 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>'
3901 'Ej sius Oisatnaf ! C‘tse neib unnoc nob gnas !'
4005 '952d2c56d0485958336747bcdd98590d'
4007 php.net/manual/en/function.md5.php Orignal md5() PHP function
4026 '69342c5c39e5ae5f0077aecc32c0f81811fb8193'
4028 php.net/manual/en/function.sha1.php Orignal sha1() PHP function
4072 "azerty\n"
4073 "azerty\n"
4074 "azerty\n"
4075 "\nazerty"
4101 "azerty\r"
4102 "azerty\r"
4103 "azerty\r"
4104 "\razerty"
4130 "azerty\n"
4131 "azerty\n"
4132 "\nazerty"
4157 "azerty\r\n"
4158 "azerty\r\n"
4159 "azerty\r\n"
4160 "\r\nazerty"

C.php 81

Type Line Description
61 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_characters
62 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Multilingual_Plane#Basic_Multilingual_Plane
63 www.unicode.org/roadmaps/
293 due to PHP issue about \p{Cs}…
310 Unicode code point way
313 'δ'
315 XML entity way
317 'é'
319 direct way
321 'z'
341 Clean way found here: http://ftzdomino.blogspot.fr/2009/06/php-utf-8-chr-and-ord-equivalents.html
350 tests whether use string for XML entity
352 workaround for php > 5.4
483 string(1)
516 int(5)
556 'c'
589 S and no C, because can have more than One characters
621 'Œ'
623 '9'
644 'a'
646 '9'
666 false
668 true
686 true
688 false
745 true
757 Stupid PHP bug, \p{Cs} just doesn't work at all!
758 return (boolean) preg_match("/^\p{Cs}+$/ui", $this->value);
779 true
782 false
801 true
804 true
807 true
810 true
813 true
816 true
836 true
837 false
857 true
858 true
861 false
862 false
897 true
898 true
901 false
902 false
938 true
941 false
961 true
963 false
982 'Basic Latin'
1015 print '←,↑,→,↓,↔,↕,↖,↗,↘,↙,↚,↛,↜,↝,↞,↟,↠,↡,↢,↣,↤,↥,↦,↧,↨,↩,↪,↫,
1016 ↬,↭,↮,↯,↰,↱,↲,↳,↴,↵,↶,↷,↸,↹,↺,↻,↼,↽,↾,↿,⇀,⇁,⇂,⇃,⇄,⇅,⇆,⇇,⇈,⇉,⇊,⇋,
1017 ⇌,⇍,⇎,⇏,⇐,⇑,⇒,⇓,⇔,⇕,⇖,⇗,⇘,⇙,⇚,⇛,⇜,⇝,⇞,⇟,⇠,⇡,⇢,⇣,⇤
1061 '8364'
1062 '10000010101100'
1063 '20254'
1064 '20ac'
1069 226, 130, 172
1116 true
1117 true
1118 true
1119 true
1122 false
1123 false
1124 false
1125 false
1139 generated from script into "bin/" directory
1224 false
1225 false
1226 false
1227 false
1230 true
1231 true
1232 true
1233 true
1260 'a'
TODO 67 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_characters
TODO 67 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Multilingual_Plane#Basic_Multilingual_Plane
TODO 67 http://www.unicode.org/roadmaps/
TODO 765 doc and unit test!

A.php 43

Type Line Description
40 or
319 false
320 true
386 true
387 false
406 'foo', 'bar', 'thing'
446 has: 'foo', 'bar', 'thing'
479 'one, three'
572 3
573 'one'
574 2
604 3
605 'three'
606 2
633 'one, deux, three'
681 'one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, 9, 10, 11'
753 is_numeric can be a string, so cast to double
776 works with H too
777 array('foo', 'bar', array('other', 'thing'))
821 'three, one, two' or other order…
844 'three', 'two', 'one'
888 'foo', 'bar', null, null, null
889 'foo', 'bar', 'thing', 'thing', 'thing'
958 array(1, 8, 27, 64, 125)
1050 'two'
1083 array('white', 'red')
1084 array('white', 'red')
1142 has 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'
1178 [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
1179 [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9]]
1249 '1'
1274 true
1275 false
1340 has: 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five'
1400 will give this structured A objects:
1401 Row 1: 'un', 'a', 1
1402 Row 2: 'deux', 'b', 2
1403 Row 3: 'trois', 'c', 3
1411 will give this structured A objects:
1412 Row 1: 'un', 'a', 1
1413 Row 2: 'deux', 'b', 2
1414 Row 3: 'trois', null, 3
1469 '2'