Type | Line | Description |
308 | string('3.1415926535898') | |
340 | int(3) | |
373 | float | |
390 | double | |
408 | '2' | |
409 | '2' | |
432 | '1' | |
433 | '1' | |
454 | 2 | |
455 | 2 using alias | |
484 | 0 | |
485 | 0 using alias | |
539 | true | |
540 | false | |
577 | true | |
578 | true | |
579 | false | |
617 | true | |
618 | false | |
655 | true | |
656 | true | |
657 | false | |
688 | false | |
691 | false | |
694 | true | |
714 | true | |
736 | false | |
739 | true | |
742 | false | |
762 | '7' | |
764 | '7' | |
766 | '0' | |
800 | '-7' | |
801 | '7' | |
803 | '7' | |
805 | '0' | |
824 | '0.5' | |
849 | '1'; | |
850 | '0' | |
900 | true | |
902 | false | |
966 | '9' | |
967 | '27' | |
1012 | '16' | |
1032 | '8' | |
1073 | '2' | |
1074 | '8' | |
1105 | '3' | |
1106 | '3' | |
1111 | true | |
1135 | '2' | |
1140 | true | |
1161 | 1 | |
1162 | 2 | |
1163 | 6 | |
1164 | 24 | |
1165 | 120 | |
1166 | 720 | |
1217 | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number). | |
1225 | '10' | |
1258 | '1' | |
1261 | '-1' | |
1264 | '0' | |
1288 | true | |
1289 | true | |
1290 | true | |
1291 | true | |
1321 | true | |
1322 | true | |
1323 | true | |
1324 | true | |
1428 | '0.14' | |
1455 | true | |
1457 | false | |
1459 | raises eception | |
1489 | true | |
1491 | false | |
1493 | raises eception | |
1513 | true | |
1514 | true | |
1657 | 'mcmlxxix' | |
1658 | 'MCMLXXIX' | |
1753 | 'σξθ' | |
1844 | '१२३४५६७८९' | |
1846 | '१२,३४,५६,७८९' | |
1884 | u', $str_last, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | |
1908 | '١٩٧٩' | |
1960 | '一千二百三十四' | |
1961 | '一千二百三十四' | |
1962 | '一千二百三十四' | |
1964 | '二百零八' | |
1965 | '二百零八' | |
1966 | '二百零八' | |
1967 | '二百零八' | |
1968 | '二百〇八' | |
1969 | '二百〇八' | |
1970 | '二百〇八' | |
1971 | '二百〇八' | |
1985 | n myriads, so indexed using that. | |
2001 | split into reversed myriads | |
2007 | reordering all | |
2016 | ok, we have our divisions, so, let's do it into chinese! | |
2128 | '7d1' | |
2133 | '-7d1' | |
2167 | '3721' | |
2172 | '-3721' | |
2208 | '11111010001' | |
2213 | '-11111010001' | |
2247 | '7d1' | |
2248 | '7d1' | |
2270 | '3721' | |
2271 | '3721' | |
2293 | '11111010001' | |
2294 | '11111010001' | |
2316 | '11111010001' | |
2322 | '-11111010001' | |
2385 | array(false, true, false, true, false, true, false) | |
TODO | 1528 | for futur release, allow more complex test using `or`, `and`, `xor`, code to use in place of number… |
TODO | 1763 | add myriad to have more number after 9999. |
TODO | 1852 | what about decimal? |
TODO | 2104 | to implement |
TODO | 2114 | to implement |
Type | Line | Description |
38 | true | |
39 | false | |
47 | true | |
48 | true | |
51 | false | |
52 | false | |
55 | false | |
56 | false | |
117 | using count() function | |
120 | using objects | |
143 | '952d2c56d0485958336747bcdd98590d' | |
144 | '69342c5c39e5ae5f0077aecc32c0f81811fb8193' | |
157 | 'z' | |
158 | or | |
160 | or | |
167 | collection of characters a, z, e, r, t, and y | |
190 | '1940, 06, 18, 20, 00, 00' | |
191 | or | |
193 | or | |
199 | 'ab,cd,ef,gh,ij,kl,mn,op,qr,st,uv,wx,yz' | |
207 | 'zer' | |
218 | or | |
231 | print 'Hello World!' | |
232 | or | |
234 | or | |
236 | or | |
253 | print "Something\n" | |
254 | print "Something\r" | |
255 | print "Something\r\n" | |
256 | print "Something\r\n" | |
257 | print "Something\n" if PHP_EOL is '\n' | |
263 | print "Something\n" | |
264 | print "Something\n" | |
265 | print "\nSomething" | |
266 | print "Something\r" | |
267 | print "Something\r" | |
268 | print "\rSomething" | |
277 | print 'Ceci est une chaîne' | |
279 | print 'CECI EST UNE CHAÎNE' | |
305 | or | |
309 | or | |
311 | or | |
313 | or | |
321 | 'aty' | |
322 | or | |
323 | 'aty' | |
324 | or | |
325 | 'aty' | |
326 | or | |
327 | 'aty' | |
338 | true | |
339 | or | |
340 | true | |
341 | or | |
342 | true | |
347 | true | |
366 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\C possible | |
367 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\N not possible: exception | |
370 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\C not possible: exception | |
371 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\N not possible: exception | |
374 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\C possible | |
375 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\N possible | |
378 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\C not possible: exception | |
379 | casts to \Malenki\Bah\N possible | |
401 | do something with it… | |
410 | do what you want with it… | |
546 | S object 'azerty' | |
547 | or | |
548 | S object 'azerty' | |
562 | beware of H case | |
991 | type 'int' | |
996 | 3 | |
1043 | 3.14 | |
1073 | 3.14 | |
1217 | 'C’est ecrit en francais !' | |
1221 | php.net/manual/en/intro.intl.php) on the PHP | |
1268 | 'je-suis-ecrit-en-francais' | |
1296 | 'aZErTy' | |
1391 | azerty | |
1392 | azerrtyy | |
1393 | azerrtyy | |
1394 | azerrtyy | |
1446 | 'azerty' | |
1451 | 'azerty' | |
1452 | 'azerty' | |
1453 | 'azerty' | |
1619 | 'Tagada tsointsoin' | |
1650 | 'Tagada tsointsoin !' | |
1685 | '(foo)' | |
1712 | 'abcdefghi' | |
1786 | 'je_suis_écrit_en_français' | |
1787 | 'je_suis_écrit_en_français' | |
1831 | 'je-suis-écrit-en-français' | |
1867 | 'helloWorld' | |
1868 | 'HelloWorld' | |
1874 | 'écritEnFrançais' | |
1875 | 'ecritEnFrancais' | |
1975 | 'a' | |
1976 | 'zer' | |
2029 | Collection having 7 and 12 as \Malenki\Bah\N | |
2093 | 'This will loose some parts…' | |
2203 | print 'a' | |
2208 | first \Malenki\Bah\C | |
2209 | or | |
2210 | casting \Malenki\Bah\S to \Malenki\Bah\C | |
2226 | print 'y' | |
2231 | last \Malenki\Bah\C | |
2232 | or | |
2233 | casting \Malenki\Bah\S to \Malenki\Bah\C | |
2282 | true | |
2335 | true | |
2361 | note the apos after this example… | |
2362 | 'C'est Du Français !' | |
2363 | 'C'Est Du Français !' | |
2395 | beware of H case | |
2399 | ui', $sep->string); | |
2401 | ui', $sep); | |
2534 | print unicode value of the char 'a' | |
2610 | false | |
2613 | true | |
2656 | 'Hello! Hello! Hello!' | |
2657 | '' (empty string) | |
2741 | Thanks to: http://www.php.net/manual/fr/function.wordwrap.php#104811 | |
2802 | long text | |
3301 | 'This', 'is', 'a', 'string', 'to' and ' split' | |
3379 | 'a,z,e,r,t,y' | |
3418 | '!z!rt!' | |
3495 | 'I will have some data to show.' | |
3496 | or | |
3498 | or A or H object too | |
3499 | 'I will have some data to show.' | |
3505 | 'I am pi: 3.142' | |
3520 | beware of H case | |
3545 | beware of H case | |
3570 | beware of H case | |
3585 | aberty | |
3630 | true | |
3631 | true | |
3632 | true | |
3633 | true | |
3666 | true | |
3667 | true | |
3668 | true | |
3669 | true | |
3702 | true | |
3703 | true | |
3704 | true | |
3705 | true | |
3706 | true | |
3707 | true | |
3735 | ' This is a string having tabulations' | |
3760 | ui', $this->value); | |
3798 | 'I have some tags' | |
3799 | 'I have <em>some</em> tags' | |
3800 | 'I have <em>some</em> tags' | |
3801 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3802 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3803 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3804 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3805 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3806 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3807 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3811 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3816 | 'I have some <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3817 | 'I have <em>some</em> <strong>tags</strong>' | |
3901 | 'Ej sius Oisatnaf ! C‘tse neib unnoc nob gnas !' | |
4005 | '952d2c56d0485958336747bcdd98590d' | |
4007 | php.net/manual/en/function.md5.php Orignal md5() PHP function | |
4026 | '69342c5c39e5ae5f0077aecc32c0f81811fb8193' | |
4028 | php.net/manual/en/function.sha1.php Orignal sha1() PHP function | |
4072 | "azerty\n" | |
4073 | "azerty\n" | |
4074 | "azerty\n" | |
4075 | "\nazerty" | |
4101 | "azerty\r" | |
4102 | "azerty\r" | |
4103 | "azerty\r" | |
4104 | "\razerty" | |
4130 | "azerty\n" | |
4131 | "azerty\n" | |
4132 | "\nazerty" | |
4157 | "azerty\r\n" | |
4158 | "azerty\r\n" | |
4159 | "azerty\r\n" | |
4160 | "\r\nazerty" |
Type | Line | Description |
61 | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_characters | |
62 | en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Multilingual_Plane#Basic_Multilingual_Plane | |
63 | www.unicode.org/roadmaps/ | |
293 | due to PHP issue about \p{Cs}… | |
310 | Unicode code point way | |
313 | 'δ' | |
315 | XML entity way | |
317 | 'é' | |
319 | direct way | |
321 | 'z' | |
341 | Clean way found here: http://ftzdomino.blogspot.fr/2009/06/php-utf-8-chr-and-ord-equivalents.html | |
350 | tests whether use string for XML entity | |
352 | workaround for php > 5.4 | |
483 | string(1) | |
516 | int(5) | |
556 | 'c' | |
589 | S and no C, because can have more than One characters | |
621 | 'Œ' | |
623 | '9' | |
644 | 'a' | |
646 | '9' | |
666 | false | |
668 | true | |
686 | true | |
688 | false | |
745 | true | |
757 | Stupid PHP bug, \p{Cs} just doesn't work at all! | |
758 | return (boolean) preg_match("/^\p{Cs}+$/ui", $this->value); | |
779 | true | |
782 | false | |
801 | true | |
804 | true | |
807 | true | |
810 | true | |
813 | true | |
816 | true | |
836 | true | |
837 | false | |
857 | true | |
858 | true | |
861 | false | |
862 | false | |
897 | true | |
898 | true | |
901 | false | |
902 | false | |
938 | true | |
941 | false | |
961 | true | |
963 | false | |
982 | 'Basic Latin' | |
1015 | print '←,↑,→,↓,↔,↕,↖,↗,↘,↙,↚,↛,↜,↝,↞,↟,↠,↡,↢,↣,↤,↥,↦,↧,↨,↩,↪,↫, | |
1016 | ↬,↭,↮,↯,↰,↱,↲,↳,↴,↵,↶,↷,↸,↹,↺,↻,↼,↽,↾,↿,⇀,⇁,⇂,⇃,⇄,⇅,⇆,⇇,⇈,⇉,⇊,⇋, | |
1017 | ⇌,⇍,⇎,⇏,⇐,⇑,⇒,⇓,⇔,⇕,⇖,⇗,⇘,⇙,⇚,⇛,⇜,⇝,⇞,⇟,⇠,⇡,⇢,⇣,⇤ | |
1061 | '8364' | |
1062 | '10000010101100' | |
1063 | '20254' | |
1064 | '20ac' | |
1069 | 226, 130, 172 | |
1116 | true | |
1117 | true | |
1118 | true | |
1119 | true | |
1122 | false | |
1123 | false | |
1124 | false | |
1125 | false | |
1139 | generated from script into "bin/" directory | |
1224 | false | |
1225 | false | |
1226 | false | |
1227 | false | |
1230 | true | |
1231 | true | |
1232 | true | |
1233 | true | |
1260 | 'a' | |
TODO | 67 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapping_of_Unicode_characters |
TODO | 67 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Multilingual_Plane#Basic_Multilingual_Plane |
TODO | 67 | http://www.unicode.org/roadmaps/ |
TODO | 765 | doc and unit test! |
Type | Line | Description |
40 | or | |
319 | false | |
320 | true | |
386 | true | |
387 | false | |
406 | 'foo', 'bar', 'thing' | |
446 | has: 'foo', 'bar', 'thing' | |
479 | 'one, three' | |
572 | 3 | |
573 | 'one' | |
574 | 2 | |
604 | 3 | |
605 | 'three' | |
606 | 2 | |
633 | 'one, deux, three' | |
681 | 'one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, 9, 10, 11' | |
753 | is_numeric can be a string, so cast to double | |
776 | works with H too | |
777 | array('foo', 'bar', array('other', 'thing')) | |
821 | 'three, one, two' or other order… | |
844 | 'three', 'two', 'one' | |
888 | 'foo', 'bar', null, null, null | |
889 | 'foo', 'bar', 'thing', 'thing', 'thing' | |
958 | array(1, 8, 27, 64, 125) | |
1050 | 'two' | |
1083 | array('white', 'red') | |
1084 | array('white', 'red') | |
1142 | has 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' | |
1178 | [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] | |
1179 | [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9]] | |
1249 | '1' | |
1274 | true | |
1275 | false | |
1340 | has: 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' | |
1400 | will give this structured A objects: | |
1401 | Row 1: 'un', 'a', 1 | |
1402 | Row 2: 'deux', 'b', 2 | |
1403 | Row 3: 'trois', 'c', 3 | |
1411 | will give this structured A objects: | |
1412 | Row 1: 'un', 'a', 1 | |
1413 | Row 2: 'deux', 'b', 2 | |
1414 | Row 3: 'trois', null, 3 | |
1469 | '2' |